assuming that all people could read their partner's mind... boy, am i in big trouble! last wednesday night, i went to my "other guy's" house.. his family welcomed me as if i was part of their family already... looking at us, we were like the ideal couple eerybody wants to have... but little did anybody know that right behind those sweet smiles lies a blatant lie... a lie that could ruin me... and us for that matter... he was willing to give me his world but i cant give him mine... because mine belongs to another and his world belongs to somebody else... damn! why can't life be uncomplicated??? is there anyone out there who could free me from this mysery??? loving two person could really ruin you, right down to your very soul... hhhmmm.... my "guy" and i will be watching fantastic four tomorrow at gate way... can't wait to be with him...
till my next post with my twisted life...